Playing GTA IV without anti-aliasing support might as well play the damn thing on the Console I already had it for the Xbox 360 but never finished it, so I said I'll get it on the rebound for the PC and I wish I hadn't. Come on what console ports it's got that bad now I can't keep looking up How to enable anti-aliasing or spending 40 mins plus six or seven times rebooting the fucking games I done with this. Dead Space 2 I guest will be with me for along time it's the last one I'll be playing on the PC. Hell The Sims 3 looks better then GTA IV at lease I can enable anti-aliasing through Nvidia's control panel. Also I'll get Windows 7 April 2014 when Windows XP supports ends. I'm also getting back into consoles more then ever and keeping my blog Xbox-existence up to date noting else to do with the PC beside rip edit and burn or listen to music, might pick backup where I left off with Windows 7. Taking back Grand Theft Auto 4 Liberty City I'm sick of console ports not hard to become a console fan boy just keep selling us this shit on the PC, said it before and I'll say again PC Gaming is Fucked! So total I spend about one week fucking around with settings the last 6 years I much rather have no anti-aliasing support for consoles then put up with this. Tessellation and anti-aliasing support have been available over 10 years I think you can fine a Article on tomshardware about this something I didn't know. Don't worry there be lots of DirectX 11 games to come when the New Consoles launch next year and I'll be first in line. R.I.P PC