Real Life Portal Loop

How to make a real life Portal loop with a couple mirrors from Ikea and some rope lights.

Real World Portal Gun

While not very original, this video is pretty well done. Thanks to everyone that sent this one in.

PC Perspective Podcast #206

Join PC Perspective this week as they talk about the Corsair 550D Chassis, AMD licensing ARM, AMD Tahiti 2 GPUs and more!

This Robotic Arm Is Jammin'

I'm not kidding, this thing is jamming...with coffee grounds and party balloons.

Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA)

I read a really small article in the Maximum PC magazine late last year about Heterogeneous and it got me thinking about this new Architecture, but never thought about it coming this soon. Digging through Fudzilla's site like I do every Saturday and came across two Articles about AMD and ARM plus many more existing on one single die, this new Architecture will set the future and change the way we take advantage of the hardware we use for everyday Computing.

Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation comes to Life

Fudzilla already wrote that AMD is preparing a couple of big announcements during its AMD Fusion Developer Summit, and the non-profit consortium between AMD, ARM, Imagination, MediaTek and Texas Instruments known as the Heteogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation, is apparently just a start of big things to come.

In case you missed it, the AMD Fusion Developer Summit is currently being held at Bellevue, WA. According to AMD, The HSA Foundation is a non-profit consortiom established to define and promote an open, standards-based approach to heterogeneous computing that will provide a common hardware specification and broad support ecosystem to make it easer for software developers to deliver innovative applications that can take greater advantage of today's modern processors.

AMD, ARM, Imagination Technlogoies, MediaTek and Texas Instruments are the initial founding members of the HSA Foundation but there has been an indication or two that more companies will surely follow. The main goal of the HSA Foundation is the actual standardizing of the heterogeneous programming model so developers could easily and cost-effectively develop new software that will take advantage of the US $55.5B processor market and take greater advantage of capabilities found in modern CPUs and GPUs, or in AMD's case APUs. The HSA Foundation will surely put some pressure on Intel.

AMD 2013 APUs to include ARM Cortex-A5

Following the announcement of HSA Foundation bringing together AMD and ARM, AMD also announced it will implement ARM's Cortex-A5 processor in its 2013 APUs. Although there have been numerous rumours on what ARM's processor could do inside an APU, it appears that AMD is only aiming at ARM's TrustZone technology for now. If you take a closer look at it, we must say that it was a logical choice since both ARM and Intel have some sort of hardware trusted platform/security technologies, while AMD's APUs were somewhat lacking.

The easiest way for AMD is to licence an exisiting technology and while Intel is not exactly sharing, ARM was apparently more than happy to. TrustZone tech is still ARM's technology and in order to use it, AMD needs to squeeze in ARM's processor inside its APU. According to available details, ARM's Cortex-A5 is the best processor for such application.

Of course, some details are still unknown and some questions are yet to be answered, e.g. how exactly are AMD's x86 and ARM Cortex-A5 going to work together inside an APU. According to available info, AMD is planning on using this combination with its low-power APUs that will be aimed at tablet markets. Of course, we may see some future APUs with something from ARM as well, but that will not happen until 2014. Licencing ARM's TrustZone technology may be just the beginning of sucessful cooperation between AMD and ARM, and we would not be surprised if we see more in near future.

Thermaltake Shows Off Iron Man Case Mod

During Computex this week, Thermaltake was displaying a highly modified Armor Revo Snow Edition PC case mod. Essentially it's Iron Man squashed into a box form factor, his mask and glowing eyes consuming most of the front, staring at users with watchful slits while they carefully surf the Internet. Case Mod Blog actually covered the case creation back in May. The project started with a "working" replica of Tony Stark's Arc Reactor which Ron created from scratch. Materials used in its construction included a sink strain, plexi glass, RC model airplane engine mount, LEDS and copper wire.

Next he hand-fabricated Iron Man's chest plate from 00.80 polystyrene and mounted the Arc Reactor in its circular seat. The combo was then mounted on the left side of the case against an image of Stark using the helmet's interface. The panel on the right side includes a portion of Captain America's shield on the inside, paying homage to the brief references to Steve Rogers in the two Iron Man movies.

The shield was constructed from 00.80 ABS plastic and given a custom painted effect of battle fatigue. "The ending result on the right side panel was a perfect contrast to the overall theme. In the lower right corner of the panel is an external molex power hub that Ron also built from scratch," Case Mod Blog reports.

Source Engine Used To Create Animated Film

Here's an interesting turn for Valve Software: Not only is the Source engine being used to create an animated movie, the film itself may be partially distributed on Steam. What's more, virtual production sets will be converted into playable levels for a videogame version.

"Deep" was written by Jack Barton Mitchell and takes place after World War III. The main protagonist, a man named Sullivan who captains a nuclear sub, makes contact with a group of superior scientific intelligence called the Wayfarers. They have the power to save the earth, but it may come with a high price.

The Source-powered movie will be produced by Brown Bag's Darragh O'Connell and Gregory R. Little, who heads Brown Bag's L.A. production office. According to O'Connell, Valve's tools and technologies will provide Acker and Brown Bag real-time rendering and editing, simplified character animation and economical lighting.

Adobe Flash Player Problems

Adobe flash player once again causing problems for everyone that's using it, well I guest that would be everyone because flash player is used just about everywhere on the World Wide Web. The problem seems to be with the sandbox a security feature Protected Mode for adobe flash player, added in 11.3.300.257. Firefox got updated around the same time flash player did so finding it on Firefox forums wasn't hard. When Protected Mode was enable the video would be slow and choppy like there was no refresh for the post and with so many videos on this blog it looked ugly not that it ant ugly now but you get the idea.

How did I fix the problem I down graded to Firefox 12 thinking Firefox was the blame with no success I then looked at Adobe's flash player and behold it was adobe thanks Adobe again. Last resort and that's exactly what it was a simple mms.cfg file changing Protected Mode from 1 to 0. Whoever is using Internet Explorer with Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 I wouldn't recommend it or want to be them, the dame explorer with Protected Mode enabled is unusable. It feels like your browser is infected with something and ya it is Adobe's Flash player.

E3 2012 Wrap-Up

Now that E3 is over here's what I thought of it all, the Press Conferences where way to long most of them where boring but one and that was Ubisoft's Press Conference. When E3 started I didn't have high hopes and I'm kind of glad I felt that way because how can someone be exited over six year old hardware. Not that I totally hate consoles is just that who can play games that look like shit water down textures. There where some games like The Last of us and God of War Ascension for the PlayStation 3 that caught my eye but more like been there done that before feeling.

Lets start with Microsoft's Press Conference the hell with Halo 4 and Call of Duty Black Ops 2, I said it before and I'll say it again I much rather kill myself if I had to play these titles or worst stop gaming completely. Lol I wouldn't kill myself but you get the idea how bad it is at this point, Microsoft had noting to show but three-parity titles Again! but one Halo 4. Enough about that I found the Smart Glass cool but it felt more like they where competing with Nintendo Wii U.

EA's Press Conference definitely felt more like last year instead of 2's this year it was 3's Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3 and a shit load of sports games WTF ever I hate sports games but one DiRT 2 and 3 witch got noting to do with EA but just wanted to put that one out there. Nintendo Press Conference could've been way better if they would of show off more games instead of Batman sure they had Pikmin 3 "New" Super Mario Bothers 2 when didn't Nintendo show off a Mario game with a new console launch.

Watch Invisible Walls at GameTrailers and you'll see what I'm talking about I recommend you watch them all. Also Nintendo had three different Conferences/Previews All-Access Nintendo 3DS Software Showcase, Nintendo All-Access Wii U Trailer Showcase and the All-Access Nintendo Press Conference way to much for one person to watch. Most of all it sucked again it could've been way better.

Sony's Press Conference let's start with saying they didn't suck as much as Microsoft's Conference did hey at lease they had exclusive Triple AAA titles that I liked. They also give away PS3 Plus Membership to everyone is the room and for people that have one to download some free games from PSN. The exclusive Triple AAA titles that I like the most was you guest it The Last of us and God of War Ascension, like I said above it felt more like been there done that before. I also like the ideal of a PS Vita bundle with Assassin's Creed 3, but I think I'm going to wait this one out before I purchase a PS Vita.

Ubisoft Press Conference lets get this one out the way Watch Dogs fucking awesome no other works to say A+ watch the Conference. Lol has I said above I didn't have high hopes this year Ubisoft came to save the day with there surprise at the end of the conference plus a bunch of Free-to-play games, noting wrong with free everyone loves free stuff who don't. After seeing the game play from Watch Dogs I got exited yes that's right I finally got exited for something and boy wasn't I happy until I realize that Ubisoft has constant internet connection to play some games like Splinter Cell Conviction for the PC.

I guest that's why I didn't even care for Blacklist when I see them demoing it on stage, all we can do is just hope they don't do the same as they did with Splinter Cell Conviction. Hell Conviction and Princess of Persia at Future shop is priced $4.99 even at this price it still ain't worth anything, a movie at this point is worth more then these games. That's why I have consoles in my house for games that's treat you like a Pirate on the PC. Far Cry 3 would be other one that I kind of existed to play the demo was cool big ass open world I love games like this, I rated each Press Conference with a letter from A to D below:

Booting Windows 8: Too Fast To Interrupt

Remember the days of people complaining about their computer booting too slow?

Now, people are going to complain about it booting too fast. Windows 8 has a problem – it really can boot up too quickly. So quickly, in fact, that there is no longer time for anything to interrupt boot.

When you turn on a Windows 8 PC, there’s no longer long enough to detect keystrokes like F2 or F8, much less time to read a message such as "Press F2 for Setup." For the first time in decades, you will no longer be able to interrupt boot and tell your PC to do anything different than what it was already expecting to do.

The Minority Report Input Device Is Here

Move over Kinect, the Leap is here and it costs less than seventy dollars. Although the video demonstration below is on a Mac, fear not, this device works equally well on a PC.

Clean Your Damn COMPUTER!!!!

I have seen some dirty computers in my day but this one takes the dust cake!

Retro Gaming Fish Tank of the Day

You know you are in an old school gamer's house when the fish tank looks like this!

Soft-Body Physics in CryEngine3

This video showing off soft-body physics in CryEngine3 is kinda neat. The team behind the open source "Rigs of Rods" is responsible for this (not Crytek).

Turn Everyday Objects into a Touchpad

Two MIT doctorial students have come up with a kit that will make your computing experience just a bit more interesting. The device is called a MaKey MaKey and can turn practically any object into a touchpad with some very interesting variations.

Max Payne 3 PC Launch Trailer

Max Payne 3 for PC is now available worldwide and so far, the reviews and comments have positive on both storyline and graphics. The launch trailer is comprised entirely of footage from the PC version, so what you see is what you get.

Humble Bundle 5 is the Best Bundle Released So Far

In what is certainly the best deal going on the Internet for gaming, the pay-what-you-want Humble Bundle is a big hit with gamers across all platforms. Humble Bundle 5 has proved arguably to be the best of the bundles to date and has also set a new record for sales, topping the two week sales record in just two days.

ASUS Demos World's First Windows RT Consumer Device

ASUS and NVIDIA teamed up on the what they say is the world's first Windows RT consumer device.