Portal Gun Replica 3D Printed

Enough with the replicas already, how about one that works?! Back in 2010, Volpin Props' Harrison Krix designed a jaw-dropping replica of everybody's favorite Aperture Science creation, the Handheld Portal Device.

In the following year, deviantArt user Batman-n-Bananas created their own replica, this time with a steampunk twist. Luckily for us, it looks like crafty artists aren't ready to forget about Aperture Science just yet.

This replica, based on the original Portal Gun, was created by Melissa, also known as deviantArt member techgeekgirl. According to her, the replica is even more detailed than the officially licensed replica by NECA. Apparently the majority of this replica was created with a 3D-printer based on original files from the game itself. That's about as authentic as it can get! Like Krix' replica, this one also includes awesome sound effects and of course blue and orange LED effects.

Source: Toms Hardware