Lian Li Case Looks and Moves Like a Train: Choo-choo!

Here's a case for you train geeks to lust after. Lian-Li, a company that's no stranger to unique and funky PC cases, has just announced the PC-CK101, a case made to look like a steam train. Made from aluminum, this case actually comes in two versions -- a stationary model for those that just want the cool case, and an actual moving train that will go up and down the tracks. Seriously!

If you go for the moving PC-CK101 Premium, the chassis comes with six interlocking tracks so the case can move up and down the tracks. The stationary PC-CK101 Standard comes with one rail that acts as a stand and has a label stating that its the 2012 Special Edition Chassis. Pricewise, you're looking at $229 for the stationary model and $379 for the moving version.

Source: Toms Hardware