Electronic Entertainment Expo E3 2012

After seeing some information on Nintendo's Wii U Console I got kind of got excited but for what? as we all know by now that Microsoft wont be launching there new hardware and Sony will be talking about software at E3 this year. So what is there to be excited for triple AAA titles like Farcry 3, Resident Evil 6, ArmA III, Borderlands 2, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, Aliens: Colonial Marines and The Big Game List goes on.

This year I'll be watching all the press conferences at Gametrailers.com Press conferences begin on Monday, June 4th followed by the show on June 5th through June 7th. While I expect a ton of surprises to be revealed during the show, there are also plenty of games we know about ahead of time, like the ones above. I'll also be keeping in sync with Gamespot.com for interviews and demos. Hell lets just say I'll be all over the dame place, it'll be a every busy week for anyone that's into Gaming like myself.

Source: GameTrailers | IGN | Gamespot