
Well I just installed BulletStorm because Prototype was getting to me Why after you put about five hours in the game it seams to be repeating itself over and over, same side quests that just give you XP to unlock upgrades and most of them you'll never use plus the sound is really low. I been playing this game over three weeks now and I can't take any more of it, especially when the game crashed on me today. Plus its not like I paid $49.99 for the game I got it for $1 that's right from Wal-Mart it was over flow they said. So over all the game gets 7.5 I hope the next one have better quests and not repeat the same thing over and over, I'll come back to it after I done playing BulletStorm and Dead Space 2. What else have I been up to just finish that PC I build out of Spare parts and selling for $200 OBO. Just had a customer come by with his laptop and made a easy $15 again awesome now its time to play BulletStorm.

Dead Space 2