Remember Me was the surprise of last year’s Gamescom: a near-future action-adventure that lets you get inside people’s heads and mess with their memories, set in a science-fiction version of Paris. Developed in Paris by new studio Dontnod under the guidance of Capcom, it’s been an unknown quantity since its announcement: exactly what kind of game is this, and how heavily does the memory-manipulation premise influence how you actually play?
Remember Me feels a little like a third-person Mirror’s Edge, with plenty of climbing and free-running around the incongruous architecture of Neo-Paris. It’s a crammed-together jumble of angularly modern, gleaming white structures and decaying slums crowded around the masterpieces of classical architecture that define the Paris skyline. Protagonist Nilin is lithe and acrobatic like Faith, as capable a fighter as she is a climber.
Source: IGN