Intel has named its solar-powered CPU, which it showed off a few days ago Codenamed Claremont Intel managed this by using a technique to apply voltage to a silicon chip called Near Threshold Voltage. This is based on the idea that processors have plenty of voltage to ensure that the transistors within switch with no trouble. However if you cut the applied voltage to be just above the required level.
Windows 8 BUILD
Next year 2012 is going to be a good one Windows 8 RC should be released around January and I can't wait. What's new in Windows 8 a lot including Metro that I can't stand and the stupid Ribbon interface, Connected Standby, build in USB 3.0 drivers, touch interface for Metro + OS, Internet Explorer 10 with HTML5 Hardware Acceleration NO Flash support, Fast boot time, Nice boot manager and less system requirements then Windows 7, memory Performance 281MB with Windows Defender build in, ISO mounting, Facial Recognition, Pattern Login, updated Task manager with start up Programs Thank God No more msconfig, System Reset, App Store Plus PDF Support NO more Adobe Reader Thank God Again.
Hardware - News
Last week I pulled the plug on Maximum PC's website just to much crap, usually after I'm done reading Tomshardware and Fudzilla there would be something good but it turns out its the same head lines plus there stupid Chrome add-on of the week and stuff from there magazine that I already read, so I decided just to flick through the site fast. Before I was all over the News every day now Wednesdays and Fridays are the only time I read the News no more every day crap. Also I read Noting on the weekends Noting I don't care if AMD bought out Intel I'll read it Wednesday or Friday same way about hardware just run through the benchmarks and get it over its not like I buying hardware every month. Over the last 3 months or so Tomshardware and Fudzilla is doing the same Friday 5:00 PM everything's shut down and that's the way is should be all over the World Wide Web NO one Cares about this shit on weekends OK. Found a cool site to replace Maximum PC with and its called HardOCP News is light and fast Just get to the point and move on, time means to much to me to be messing around with crap like I did over the years No More!
Intel Developer Forum (IDF)
What a busy it has been the last few weeks and now with Intel Developer Forum (IDF) Plus Windows 8 Build. Just finished watching IDF and I must say what's to come in the near future is going to be really cool Intel unveiled additional details about its research x86-compatible Near-Threshold Voltage Processor (NTVP) that uses novel ultra-low voltage circuits. Near-Threshold Voltage Processor (NTVP) will be showing its self off in Haswell CPU in 2013 and I can't wait, why because everything there revealing will be in my 2014 System Build. There's one thing I didn't like and that was the stupid Ultrabook aka another Netbook, Notebook or Laptop like we don't have enough of them now. Seen the inside of one at Windows 8 Build and its more battery then PCB.
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