Kid Pulls Own Tooth Like a Boss

The updated version of the ol' "door knob" method used when we were kids now involves using Nerf guns.

Frog Playing Video Game

Remember that video of the lizard playing video games we posted the other day? This one is waaaay better. Thank TheWeazmeister for the laugh!

FedEx Response to Monitor Throwing Video

FedEx has responded to the video that caught a driver throwing a LCD over a customers fence. Yeah, it's scripted and seems more like a "oops, we got busted" apology but hey, at least they made things right with the customer. You can see the original video here.

AMD Radeon HD 7970 Reviews

As far as the specs go, the new Radeon HD 7970 is based on AMD's new 28nm GCN architecture Tahiti GPU with a total of 4.31 billion transistors, 2048 shader units, 32 ROPs and 3072MB of memory paired up with a 384-bit memory interface. The GPU ended up clocked at 925MHz while memory works at 1375MHz (5.5GHz). As far as the product positioning goes, performance and price-wise, the new Radeon HD 7970 is placed between Nvidia's flagship single-GPU GTX 580 card and AMD's dual-GPU Radeon HD 6990 card.

Bill Gates, Windows 98, Blue Screen of Death

Okay, this is the last Windows flop, we promise. Bill Gates was showing off Plug N Play on a beta version of Windows 98 in front of a large audience. Bam! BSoD.

MorpHex Robot

Luckily for us, the MorpHex Robot is completely harmless, in fact it will even dance for you and interact with its environment. Unfortunately, one thing it isn't capable of doing, is rolling around in its ball form, though Halvorsen says that function is coming in the future. Powered by 25 servo motors, the MorpHex is quite an advanced robot, despite its creepy skittering nature.

Best FedEx Delivery Ever

Quote "Here is a video of my monitor being "delivered". The sad part is that I was home at the time with the front door wide open. All he would have had to do was ring the bell on the gate. Now I have to return my monitor since it is broken."

Left 4 Dead Fan Film

Ten days back, we directed your attention to the teaser for a promising live-action Left 4 Dead fan film. Well the 10-minute short is now live, and it's packing more twists than a bag of Twizzlers. Reload, grab a health pack, and check out Francis, Zoey, and Louis (with a few surprise guests) in Left 4 Dead: Impulse 76 below:

N5 Entertainment, Airsoft GI (yes that Airsoft), Film Matters, and Condor Outdoor made Left 4 Dead: Impulse 76 over a "near freezing weekend" in November. Yes, the above short was shot in a single weekend. Not too shabby.

Crazy Christmas Lights

These high tech Christmas displays are one of the things that I look forward to every year during the holidays. Then again, I'm not this guy's neighbor, I'm sure they probably dread this time of year.

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Poor old Alan Wake will face "a full night" of enemy waves baying for his blood, with only scattered safe havens and unlockable weapons for comfort. Alan's arsenal ranges, Remedy says, "from old stalwarts like the flare gun to wild new favorites like the nail gun and old school Remedy favorites like the Uzi." Max Payne would be pleased.

As well as, you know, not dying, Alan will be trying to rack up mega-points to place high on the online leaderboards. Take it from me: the life of a writer is never easy. Alan Wake's Extended Nightmare is slated to launch on Xbox Live Arcade in the first quarter of 2012, around the same time as the long-awaited PC edition of the original Alan Wake.

Lizard Play's a Touchscreen Game With Its Tongue

Check out this video uploaded to YouTube by user 'ThatSpecialGuy.' The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian Philip Gith, the man behind the username, filmed his bearded dragon 'Crunch' playing a bug squishing game on his phone. Gith says he has another bearded dragon, but it's not as interested in the game as Crunch.

Gith says he's had all sort of people contact him about the video, including the from the folks at Good Morning America. He says that other people on YouTube have posted video responses that show them trying to get their dragon to do the same thing to no avail.

Gears of War 3

Last night was by far the best time I had yet playing Gears of War 3. Started playing the Single player Campaign on insane last week for a hour or two a day and got stuck on Act IV Chapter 2, couldn't pass the damn level because it was really hard with no ammo. So I started working on the combat engineer Ribbon that gives you infinite ammo mutator in Arcade mode and two friends that I met last week asked me did I need a hand. When we got the Chapter loaded there was only one slot left open that found the extra player for a total of four players.

When we got to Act V Chapter 6 the last boss fight it started out really good only to be really Crazy Insane at the end just about two hours to pass the damn level and all we needed was three more Hammer of Dawn strikes ya two hours I couldn't be leave it. At the end I didn't know what the fuck was going on but managed to kill the damn Queen. Over all the Xbox 360 was worth every penny now to fine the other collectables and finish playing the first three Acts in Coop to get the Achievements.