Play Thief in Doom 3 with The Dark Mod

As it turns out, Thief's Garrett is much sneakier than we thought. I mean, jeez, you've got to be pretty darn sneaky to find yourself in a new game altogether. For his latest trick, he's made his way into Doom 3, where a group of intrepid modders have rebuilt the stealth classic's mechanics for use in id Software's significantly prettier game engine. Revel in the glory that is The Dark Mod.

As Rock Paper Shotgun reports, the mod isn't intended to be a remake of the original games, but a platform in which fans can create their own Thief stories and release them to the world. As a proof of concept, the folks behind The Dark Mod have released a level of their own, entitled Tears of Saint Lucia.

You can follow the mod's development at The Dark Mod's wiki, or go ahead and download it to see for yourself right here. Warning: you do need a copy of a non-BFG version of Doom 3 to play The Dark Mod.

Source: Gamespy