In mid-August, EA announced that in-development Command & Conquer Generals 2 would become part of the RTS franchise's transition to free to play. As part of that transition to F2P, the single-player campaign of Generals 2, which BioWare Victory had been working on for well over a year, would be scrapped.
If GameSpy's comments section is any indication of fan reaction to the announcement, EA should have, at the very least, carried the Generals 2 campaign over to F2P C&C. Well, in an interview with The Verge, EA Labels President Frank Gibeau said that feedback came through loud and clear. There may be no going back from F2P for C&C, but a new single-player campaign will be included.
"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience," Gibeau told The Verge. "And by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics. Does that mean it's not going to have single-player? No, that's something we've obviously heard loud and clear that is important to people."
"The beauty of free-to-play, is that we can adjust and adapt to what we're hearing as opposed to, 'I'm sorry, it's two months from ship and it is what it is.' It's a very different model because you don't have to build as much. You build in response to your audience."
Source: Gamespy