Now that E3 is over here's what I thought of it all, the Press Conferences where way to long most of them where boring but one and that was Ubisoft's Press Conference. When E3 started I didn't have high hopes and I'm kind of glad I felt that way because how can someone be exited over six year old hardware. Not that I totally hate consoles is just that who can play games that look like shit water down textures. There where some games like The Last of us and God of War Ascension for the PlayStation 3 that caught my eye but more like been there done that before feeling.
Lets start with Microsoft's Press Conference the hell with Halo 4 and Call of Duty Black Ops 2, I said it before and I'll say it again I much rather kill myself if I had to play these titles or worst stop gaming completely. Lol I wouldn't kill myself but you get the idea how bad it is at this point, Microsoft had noting to show but three-parity titles Again! but one Halo 4. Enough about that I found the Smart Glass cool but it felt more like they where competing with Nintendo Wii U.
EA's Press Conference definitely felt more like last year instead of 2's this year it was 3's Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3 and a shit load of sports games WTF ever I hate sports games but one DiRT 2 and 3 witch got noting to do with EA but just wanted to put that one out there. Nintendo Press Conference could've been way better if they would of show off more games instead of Batman sure they had Pikmin 3 "New" Super Mario Bothers 2 when didn't Nintendo show off a Mario game with a new console launch.
Watch Invisible Walls at GameTrailers and you'll see what I'm talking about I recommend you watch them all. Also Nintendo had three different Conferences/Previews All-Access Nintendo 3DS Software Showcase, Nintendo All-Access Wii U Trailer Showcase and the All-Access Nintendo Press Conference way to much for one person to watch. Most of all it sucked again it could've been way better.
Sony's Press Conference let's start with saying they didn't suck as much as Microsoft's Conference did hey at lease they had exclusive Triple AAA titles that I liked. They also give away PS3 Plus Membership to everyone is the room and for people that have one to download some free games from PSN. The exclusive Triple AAA titles that I like the most was you guest it The Last of us and God of War Ascension, like I said above it felt more like been there done that before. I also like the ideal of a PS Vita bundle with Assassin's Creed 3, but I think I'm going to wait this one out before I purchase a PS Vita.
Ubisoft Press Conference lets get this one out the way Watch Dogs fucking awesome no other works to say A+ watch the Conference. Lol has I said above I didn't have high hopes this year Ubisoft came to save the day with there surprise at the end of the conference plus a bunch of Free-to-play games, noting wrong with free everyone loves free stuff who don't. After seeing the game play from Watch Dogs I got exited yes that's right I finally got exited for something and boy wasn't I happy until I realize that Ubisoft has constant internet connection to play some games like Splinter Cell Conviction for the PC.
I guest that's why I didn't even care for Blacklist when I see them demoing it on stage, all we can do is just hope they don't do the same as they did with Splinter Cell Conviction. Hell Conviction and Princess of Persia at Future shop is priced $4.99 even at this price it still ain't worth anything, a movie at this point is worth more then these games. That's why I have consoles in my house for games that's treat you like a Pirate on the PC. Far Cry 3 would be other one that I kind of existed to play the demo was cool big ass open world I love games like this, I rated each Press Conference with a letter from A to D below:
Ubisoft Press Conference A+
Sony's Press Conference B+
Nintendo Press Conference C
EA's Press Conference D+
Microsoft Press Conference D-
PC Games that I discovered besides the ones you don't stop hearing about yes I'm talking about you Call of Duty was Dishonored watch the demo and you'll see. Now that I have launch dates out the way and seen game play for the titles I'm looking forward to its time to clean my PC Games list, ones that I'll probably never play or have time for will be put on the back burner:
Bastion PC Aug 16, 2011 SteamPowered
From Dust PC July 27, 2011 SteamPowered
Limbo PC July 21, 2010 SteamPowered
Killing Floor Gold Edition PC Apr 19, 2012 SteamPowered
Lost Planet 2 Oct 12, 2010 DirectX 11 Support
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 PC TBA, 2012 DirectX 11 Support DRM Development Continuing Cancelled Again
Ya I know its sad but I just don't have time to play everything and if I do I'll definitely come back to these titles before putting more on the list, so with that said I'll leave a list of the Top 10 games below that I found the most interesting at E3 2012 enjoy!
01. Watch Dogs
02. Company of Heroes II
03. Metro Last Light
04. Borderlands 2
05. Dishonored
06. Dead Space 3
07. Tomb Raider
08. Resident Evil 6
09. Far Cry 3
10. Crysis 3
Checkout IGN's Best of E3 2012 Awards.