The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is an annual electronics trade show that takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada in early January. This year CES 2012 will take place between January 10-13. The event is sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), and acts as a stage at large for the electronics industry. It’s the place where exhibitors, members of the press, bloggers, analysts, and attendees come together to experience, cover, and criticize the latest in tech.
OCZ unveils external SATA HDD with Thunderbolt port
Next-Gen Wi-Fi Lands @ CES with 802.11ac Products
Gigabyte Intros New Motherboards, Tech at CES
OCZ, Marvell Debut PCI Express Z-Drive R5 Solid State Solution
MSFT Talks Windows 8, TV Interaction During CES Keynote
Microsoft Announces Kinect for Windows Coming February 1
OCZ Technology Reveals Indilinx Everest 2 Controller
HSTi Unveils World's Smallest Pocket Media Player at CES