Intel Developer Forum (IDF)

What a busy it has been the last few weeks and now with Intel Developer Forum (IDF) Plus Windows 8 Build. Just finished watching IDF and I must say what's to come in the near future is going to be really cool Intel unveiled additional details about its research x86-compatible Near-Threshold Voltage Processor (NTVP) that uses novel ultra-low voltage circuits. Near-Threshold Voltage Processor (NTVP) will be showing its self off in Haswell CPU in 2013 and I can't wait, why because everything there revealing will be in my 2014 System Build. There's one thing I didn't like and that was the stupid Ultrabook aka another Netbook, Notebook or Laptop like we don't have enough of them now. Seen the inside of one at Windows 8 Build and its more battery then PCB.

Also some more information about Intel's New Ivy Bridge 22 nm manufacturing process with Tri-Gate Transistors and High-k and Metal Gate (HKMG) something that's in my PC now from 2007 and only now there using it with Tri-Gate Transistors, that's why the Penryn CPU has no problem Over-clocking to 4 GHz on Air because of the HKMG. They also talked a little about heterogeneous basically its the future to come when ARM Processor and x86 will be one plus graphics networking and much more all on one chip. AMD only got around to HKGM this year on a 32nm manufacturing process plus there like 20 months behind Intel, so if your a Intel Fan like me there's a lot to be happy about right now. They also talked about Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) and Many Integrated Cores (MIC) more information can be found below.

Intel's Near-Threshold Voltage Processor (NTVP)

Intel Ivy Bridge: Micro architecture

High-k and Metal Gate (HKMG)


Intel and Micron Develop Hybrid Memory Cube