I think this will be the last time I'll be posting anything here about PC Gaming because this fucking time I'm done! Three days trying to finish the stupid ass tutorial in Civilization IV. I couldn't be leave how long and how much stuff there was to a stupid game I can't play shit like this anymore, it goes to show that I hate playing MMORPG's RPG's and stupid games like Civilization Jesus! help me. I see no future left in PC Gaming No buddy with Mics, dumb ass Text spamming the Screen, Cheaters, Fuck Faces that think there something on there cheap ass $2 server playing like fuck faces well you just do that because I'm done with people like that I don't even think I'm going to turn on the computer anymore just so sick of this fucking machine and what it has to offer. Again I'm out money because I can't fine something good to play I just wish I hadn't sold the Xbox 360 man I was stupid, again it was hacked so it kind of had to go.
Also I was really looking forward to playing Tomb Raider on the PlayStation 3 and I wish I hadn't, the PS3 sucks ass so with that said and out the way I'll be buying the Xbox 360 Token Bundle with 5 Games plus Gears of War 3 Next week. Also taking the PS3 Headset back to Wal-Mart not that its needed because there network is always down or no buddy with Mics and exchange it for the Xbox 360 headset boy o boy I can't wait. I played Gears of War 2 well over ten months and Fucking Loved it. At lease the online is 100% better then PS3, the only way I would get the PlayStation bran again would be when the following one comes out and with the life span of the Consoles these days your looking at a good seven years+ for a cheap one. When I get games like Batman Arkham City sure I'll play it on the PC but not at $49.99 Consoles on the other hand I would be more gladly to pay more because the support is there not like Nintendo, Sony and the PC. If there's Patching needed to be done the Xbox always comes first then PS3 and PC, sometimes PC's wait longer Why because of Pirates, Cheaters and Fuck Faces (FF) noting wrong with that combo sounds great sign me up Fuck PC.
It'll be a very very long time before I walk in a store and buy a PC game again, like I said before I have more fun tweaking the system and learning more then what I know now why because I make a little money on the side and love doing it. Playing games on the other hand I can't see it anymore well not for along time anyway. Just to much happening for me to sit down and play games like I use to on the PC, the console fits just right in my life and did I mention my ass. I hate sitting in the office chair playing games can't beat the Living Room or even better the Bed. There's also more posts below to go with this Rant. PC Gaming R.I.P.