Windows 7 (64-bit) is here Newegg has really fast shipping when it comes to small things but how long before the COOLER MASTER HAF 912 case shows up, I say two weeks from now because I waited along time for the other case that's basically a Network Attach Server - Digital Media Server (NAS/DMS). Now its time to install Windows 7 but before I do that somethings need to be cleaned before I proceed like format all the partitions keep applications light, what ever can go portable will be done. That way updating becomes easier witch I only do once a month and just about all the top applications are portable, will I use them all not really but having them there on hand can come in handy one day. Why I'm getting a new case because I had heating issues with the Video Card usually in the summer plus this case and hardware will be handed to the girlfriend when I build a new system in 2014. Also having a big ass case on the desk is over for me they belong in the floor not on the desk with loud fans spinning, that's something I'm also looking into for the next system build Water Cooling and its not like the Cooler Master Cosmos II can't handle Water Cooling.
Cooler Master Cosmos II