This won't be long fired up the PC today and started Dead Space 2 only to have the game all fucked up I'm guesting it was the tweak to enable better anti aliasing because all games are console ports, so with all of that shit I been trough the last four or five days I done for good. The PC is not a gaming machine just for casual games like Command and Conquer, The Witcher 2, StarCraft II and The Sims 3 witch by the way looks better when you can enable anti aliasing through Nvidia's Control Panel NOT through utility's like Nvidia's inspector what a wast of time this has turned out to be. At this point I much rather give them $59.99 for the Console at less I would have trophies or achievements. What I doing now uninstalling every game on the PC I'm fucking done, can't wait for the new PSVita this year or the next ether way I be getting one plus the new Xbox next year I'll be more then willing to give Microsoft $500 the first day of launch never again will I look at PC Gaming like I did six years ago. The PC is NOT a Gaming system and no I'm not talking about playing two games for 14 months OK PC Gaming is Fucked! R.I.P PC.